
To be recognized by our clients as the premier provider of business process outsourcing services, virtual assistants, and remote workers – and by our team members as their employer of choice.

Our core competencies:

  • Provision and management of virtual assistants
  • Business process outsourcing
  • Remote staffing solutions
  • On-demand virtual staff services
  • Process efficiency & implementation
  • Quality control implementation and management
  • Data security
  • Human resource management
  • Training
  • Maintaining a people-centric environment
  • Experience in built format

How we differ

In today’s highly competitive business environment, every company is looking for an edge over the competition.

Survival means being both different and lean and mean, and the difference between profit and loss can come down to one small hiccup in the organization or process. If just one piece of the organizational machine is missing or not performing at top speed, it will not run as efficiently and effectively as possible. The organization – and it ability to function efficiently and be profitable – is only as strong as its weakest link.

At Ovisacom, everything begins with our processes. We strategize, visualize and document all of our policies, procedures and workflows. We acknowledge that every client is different in product, process or culture. We understand that every customer need is different and specific. We recognize that every employee is different in his or her skills and personality. And we know that we must have clear procedures, processes and clearly documented expected outcomes in order to create success for our clients and ourselves.

While many may believe that all customers (or employees) are alike, we believe that each one is unique. We approach every employee as an individual that possesses specific talents, skills and personality traits. We then create synergies by matching our individuals to your individual needs. Our goal in providing business process outsourcing staff, virtual assistants and remote employees is to strengthen your organization rather than creating the weak link.

We work with our clients before, during and after their needs to create matches that not only meet their expectations, but exceed them.

We train and test our virtual assistants and remote workers on your documented workflow(s) prior to starting their official assignment to ensure a successful fit. We monitor their progress from day one to ensure seamless interaction with your organization. And we help reduce your company’s payroll and administrative costs with the most convenient business process outsourcing, virtual assistant service and remote workforce management solution around. We focus on the smallest details so you can stay focused on the bigger picture.

The way we approach business process outsourcing and virtual staffing is different. Our people-orientation blends strategy with intuition, focus with flexibility and commitment with creativity. It is a partnership orientation based on trust and confidence that creates long-term success for our clients. It is a visionary approach that helps you gain the competitive edge you desire.

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